Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

Ajax Upload Shell Upload

Ajax Upload suffers from a remote shell upload vulnerability.

# Exploit Title: Ajax Upload Arbitrary File Upload
# Date: 30/01/2012
# Author: Daniel Godoy
# Author Mail: DanielGodoy[at]GobiernoFederal[dot]com
# Author Web: www.delincuentedigital.com.ar
# Software: Ajax Upload
# http://valums.com/ajax-upload/
# Tested on: Linux

Agradezco a mis amigos: Hernan Jais, Alfonso Cuevas, Lisandro
Lezaeta, Inyexion, Login-Root, KikoArg, Ricota, Truenex, _tty0, Big,
Sunplace,Erick Jordan,Animacco ,yojota, Pablin77, SPEED, Knet,
Cereal, Yago, Rash, MagnoBalt, El Rodrix,NetT0xic,Gusan0r,Lucas Apa,
Maxi Soler, Darioxchx,r0dr1,Zer0-Zo0rg

[Arbitrary File Upload]
You can upload any file you want by bypasss extesion wing headers, if
you use mozilla firefox live http headers can be used for modification
of the same.
or naming the file but also for example as shell.php.php.php.jpg.zip
Correo enviado por medio de MailMonstruo - www.mailmonstruo.com

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